Two Things John Chow Affiliate Program Continuity

It's no secret that I love passive income. Most everything I do online is geared toward achieving this. Given a choice between making a one-time commission on a sale, or receiving a percentage of the customer's bill for life, I will take the percentage every time.

One of the best way to produce passive income is with the continuity program. Most of the time, these programs are membership sites where the members pay every month to be a part of the program. To get new customers, many continuity programs offer affiliate programs that pays a "headhunting fee" for new customers. Some continuity programs will give you a cut of the billings. These are the programs I'm interested in.

Listed below are my three most profitable continuity programs. Combined, these three programs generate over $10,000 a month in passive income. Imagine that for second. I don't have to do anything, and I still make money. That is how you live the Dot Com Lifestyle. You can't get things much better than that!

Aweber Referral Program

Aweber is my recommend email solution. I've been using them for years, and they are by far the best in the business. They also offer a really great affiliate continuity program. If you refer a new customer to Aweber, they will give you 30% of the customer's bill for as long as the customer remains with Aweber.

Aweber offers a $1 trial, so your first commission is only 30 cents. However, I love receiving those "You just earned $0.30 from Aweber" emails.


The reason I love them is because next month, the commission goes to $5.70, and it will keep going up as the customer list gets bigger. The biggest customer I referred to Aweber, his list has gotten so big, his monthly bill is over $3,500. And I get 30% of that! Find out more about the Aweber affiliate program here.

LeadPages Affiliate Program

LeadPages is another SAAS (Software As A Service) that offer a recurring commission program. Like Aweber, LeadPages will give you 30% of the customers' bill for life. Unlike Aweber, LeadPages requires you to subscribe to their $67 per month Pro service plan before you can promote them as an affiliate.

I have been promoting LeadPages since November of last year. In that time, I have referred 63 customers to them.


LeadPages offer two service plans: a $37 per month Standard plan and $67 per month Pro plan. The commission is 30% for life. Currently, those 63 referrals are making me over $1,000 per month, and it will go up as I add more customers. Because their pricing is higher, I expect LeadPages to eventually overtake Aweber. It took me almost a year to hit $1,000 a month in passive income with Aweber. With LeadPages, I did it in three months.

MTTB Inner Circle

My Top Tier Business is a 21-step system to make your first $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 online. They also have one of the best affiliate continuity programs in the business. At 50% recurring commission, it's also the highest paying.

The program is call the Inner Circle, and membership prices start at $19 a month and goes all the way up to $299 a month. You make 50% for the life of the membership. Like LeadPages, you have to be part of the Inner Circle yourself in order to earn money from it. My results with the MTTB Inner Circle has been pretty amazing. This is a screen shot of my earnings from the first eight days of this month.


The above represent $5,075 of Inner Circle payments. This is every single month, and I've only shown you the first eight days! Sure, it's great to make a $1,000, $3,000, and $5,000 one-time commission, but I'll take guaranteed monthly income over a one-time commission any day of the week! Apply for My Top Tier Business here.

This Is The Ultimate Online Profit Model

The three programs listed above are discussed in greater detail in my new eBook, the Ultimate Online Profit Model. If you haven't download your copy yet (it's free), I recommend you do so. It will change the way you think about making money online.

As I've stated at the start of this blog post. I love passive income, and Aweber, LeadPages, and MTTB, offer three of the best continuity affiliate programs on the market today. Aweber is completely free to join, so I recommend you start with that if you're on a limited budget. MTTB would be my number one recommendation. It doesn't cost as much as LeadPages, but it pays the highest commission of the three.


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